The life of Kanji Jamandas Bhimani (1927-2018) is an inspiration and a saga to be remembered by generations to come. He hailed from a small town by the Gulf of Kutch, Mandvi. Although he left India for Zanzibar during his teens, he came back when India gained independence to etch his life here with his family.
After his return, he moved to an unknown territory called Nizamabad. Coming from the entrepreneurial clan of Bhatias, he was ready to take on the new challenge. He entered the unknown territory of rice industry with the help of his uncle. Although they struggled for the initial two decades, they never compromised on honesty and humility.
When he lost his father at 30, he shouldered the responsibility of his entire family fearlessly. He built Gajanan Industries with the help of his brothers which has not only emerged as one of the leaders in the rice industry today but also stands for ethics, quality and trust across the globe.